Changing Gears with Gomez


DSC_0518Gomez or “Go”, as we named him, was my first car.  He was a shiny black 1931 A-Model Ford with tiny red pinstripe wrapped around him like a piece of Christmas ribbon.

Go wasn’t as fancy on the inside as he was on the outside and his springs were shot: go over the slightest bump and the passengers in the back would have to horsey post to avoid rattling their teeth, usually with raucus giggling from the lunch bunch on our lunch break.

Changing gears with Gomez was definitely an acquired skill involving vigorous double clutching and considerable grinding.

I think Daddy like Gomez because he couldn’t go over 35 mph and only cost 300.00. But Go also sputtered, especially after it rained and his distributer cap got wet.

Or if I forgot to lift his hood and turn off the gas, all of the gas would leak out.  There were many occasions when I needed a rescue from a cute boy in the Reynolds High School lower parking lot.

Actually Go’s brakes were’t that great either.

Two weeks after I got my license, two blocks from my house, I sailed through a yellow light and smashed into a lady sneaking a left turn in front of me.  She must have been thinking our sailing was us stopping.  She was in medium sedan, poor thing.  When I got out of Go to survey the scene she was holding her sedan’s back bumper in her hands!

Go only had a tiny dent and small scratch on his beautiful black coat.

Go was so cool–a lot cooler than me!  The first thing I said to the lady was “I was trying to make it through the light because my old car’s brakes are not very good.”

When my Dad got there he chided me for being so forthright and suggested a little more discretion about Go’s shortcomings in the future.  He gave the lady a pretty reasonable check and they agreed not to call the Police.

Full disclosure, I believe I did slow up for the yellow light but then made a split second decision to charge through because I tapped the breaks and discovered that Go’s brakes were shitty–scuse my french.



These days, I feel like Gomez trying to change gears–grinding and sputtering and double clutching and stopping and starting trying to change from summer fun and family mode–a mix of great fun with all 3 sons and their families with a strange mix of sadness losing 2 dog companions–just a month apart.

Max was first 7 weeks ago now.  And when I was at beach with 2 of my sons and their families–the ones that are still “north of the border”, Phil’s Mazie girl’s lymphoma overcame her.  It was so sad for him . . . and me–marking the the end of era losing the buddies that we loved together for 15 years–since almost our first date.

I feel sure that we will see them again–our buddies Max and Mazie and Mo and Webster and all the other ones when we join them Great and Glorious Place–I know there will be a paroxysm of licking and slurping and running and bouncing and throwing and barking and hugging and sloppy wet kisses on the lips and maybe the occasional friendly nip from Max—and wondering if Max is also the alpha dog with Rommel—Phil’s Doberman that passed into that Glorious Place some time ago.

Anyway—all that . . .

changing gears in the middle of August . . .

waiting for Phil to come and watch the eclipse with me at 1:11 with our special regulation glasses made by official eclipse regulation company that I bought at the fishing, bait and tackle, hardware, life jacket, gas, and flotation device corner store for only 2.00 apiece on the corner of Highway 17 and Pawleys Island road ¼ block from the Hammock shop and the Chive Blossom restaurant.  I hear that folks are price gouging these glasses—actually in Clemmons they were 12.00 apiece yesterday!

Changing gears . . . double clutching. . . and singing softly to myself for comfort “All is Well, All is Well, All is Well with my soul.”

Thanks for listening.  I love you guys.


PS. DSC_0518 After a bit more lurching and grinding I will talk about some cool art plans and stuff coming up in the Fall.

And a puppy, if Bunny the Mama Havanese is indeed “with puppy”—will find out Thursday or Friday after her sonogram. 😉  I know Max, bless his heart,  is going to want to bite the puppy.

PSS I wrote this initially in mid-August and finished buffing today.  Since then had positive results from Bunny’s sonogram!









To Savor with Relish!!

Girls Muliples Veggie TablesThese are my two words for this year!! I am going to savor and relish all the good in my life!! There is so much!! 

Do any of you have a word or two to share with us?

Have I told you lately?  I love you guys!  ❤ ❤ ❤


“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~ Pablo Picasso

This is what painting does for me–washes away the dust!

You know this last few weeks I have been cleaning out closets because I wanted to usher in open space for the new, the simple, the lovely.

You know what I got???  3 broken major appliances!!

First the upstairs toilet tank split and water flooded the bathroom and dripped through the smoke alarm opening, setting it off of course, endlessly until I figured out how to neuter the damn

Then a few days later the microwave just completely stopped working.  Went microwave shopping–not as expensive as I thought it would be but still blew a hole in my budget!!–I hate budgets!

Then went on a wonderful beach vacation with my guy Phil where we lay out under the stars and counted the constellations and strained to see some stars shoot across the heavens.

As soon as I got home from beach, I went for some ice for my water and behold: refrigerator freezer that has icing up for a while completely gave up the ghost–no ice–frost all over the whole freezer–not cooling properly.

Yep went refrigerator shopping and found the only refrigerator that would fit into my “custom space” and broke the bank even more.

This time, I wised up and bought the 150.00 5 year warranty on parts and service because the ice makers of this particular model (counter depth, not too high, not too wide for my small space) are pretty fragile.

Even so, when the refrigerator was delivered the manufacturer had decided place some sort of box on top of the thing which made it 3 inches too tall for my space and I had to call a cabinet guy to take down the cabinet, cut away the soffet and replace said cabinet for another 175.00.  Whew!

And then I tempted fate–something I am prone to do . . . and cleaned out one more closet.

Then next day I wound up with teeny weeny little uti which fortunately my doctor trusted me to diagnose–rare these days (I love my doctor)—probably from having so much fun staying in shape on my bicycle–now you ladies know how our lady parts can be affected by the glorious biking.

What is this?

Is this the physics of action has an equal and opposite reaction?  I don’t think I like this.

Existential angst.  Or dust on the soul.

It’s often right around the corner, isn’t it?  I know it is for me–

A first world problem–but never the less, it does accumulate . . .  on the soul.

I know you all have similar stories of frustration and disappointment and the proverbial monkey wrench that life throws into our amazing plans for being peaceful, serene, joyful and relaxed and dare I say happy.

So after a couple weeks of recovery– doing very little but resting and watching lots of Netflix movies,

So I start planning my next painting. It’s a simple as that.

I paint for the same reason that folks climb Mt Everest, I believe–

to wash away the dust that accumulates on the soul from the mundanity of life.

Love you guys. ❤



Cardinal Rule of Biking on the Beach

IMG_0861I’m on vacation with my guy and good buddy Phil.  We are having a very relaxing little late summer vacation at Topsail Beach, NC.

We’re having so much fun singing and playing guitar and uke together and riding bikes or riding bike that is–we have to ride one at a time because Mazie can’t be left alone (Phil’s beagle) because he says she will go nuts and tear up the place–

I forgot the cardinal rule of beach biking however–which I had learned earlier in life but clearly forgot–ride the first stint into the wind so that the wind has your back going home.  I rode down to the point and thought–wow this is so easy–wow–I’m not even getting my heart rate up– Then turned around and came back into the wind blowing hard in my face–heart rate up!IMG_0871

The second day I biked which was yesterday I discovered that I had forgotten another cardinal rule of biking on the beach–really you’ve got to go at the lowest point of low tide–I thought I was fine biking a couple of hours off of dead low–nope!  The sand was so soft and I kept slipping and sliding and skidding–the great thing about all this very frustrating slipping and almost falling off about 10 times was that I paused and took bunches of pictures of the breathtaking sky. IMG_0868

I went swimming after my ride yesterday–Phil says there is a riptide in effect for today so that I can’t swim–boo–He’s bike riding now–I sent him into the wind.

Anyway, that’s my check in –the house is oceanfront and very close to the ocean so can hear the roar of the waves crashing–one of my favorite things in the whole world. I’m writing this from the front porch looking out over the big OOSH.

IMG_0830“Pronounciate” Oosh with a long o sound please.IMG_0874

I’m sharing some pictures of the sky that I took today with my iPhone on my beach bike ride. Enjoy!  These are great fodder for future paintings, don’t you see. 😉


I love you guys! ❤


Beautiful Landscapes for Beautiful Spaces

Girls Multiples landscapesI love these little landscapes grouped together!

I think 12″x 12″ prints on canvas of these little beauties would be gorgeous grouped over your desk, bed, sofa, or amazing in a dining room, don’t you think?

And you wouldn’t have to make the tough decision about which one you like best!


If you would like to make one of your spaces in your home even more beautiful email me at  Looking forward to decorating together!

I love you guys!  ❤